Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I love being a mama

My baby's cute baby talk :)

My second son and currently the baby of the house is almost 4 yo mashallah. He is such a bright, happy, tough child. He makes us laugh with his cute, silly antics. With his poopy talk :) His vocabulary has improved a lot since he's started the Montessori school 3 months back alhamdulillah.

1. When I was on the phone and telling my aunty that the kids are playing with nerf guns but we don't call them guns, we call them drills. Homi says, " But we call them guns." In the background

2. Every time a movie or TV show ends he'll say, " Be End."

3. At night when his brother is in bed, he'll come over and say where's my poopy ? Where's my farty ? Lol. he'll get laughs out of his brother and they'll cuddle and play while in bed.

4. While telling about his school one day :
Homi : Audrey said a bad word."
Mama : What did she say ?
Homi : She said poop butt
His older brother cracks up
Mama : What did the teacher say ?
Homi : She told Audrey to sit in the chair

5. Homi : Mama, I need some candy.
Mama : You need to eat an apple first, then I'll give you some candy.
Homi : Ok, mama.
After a few minutes,
Homi : Mama, I finished the apple.
Mama : Where's the apple ?
Homi ( with his mouth open) : look, its in my tummy.
Mama : well, where's the rest of it ?
Homi : Its all gone look.
Then, mama discovers the half eaten apple behind the door.

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