Saturday, February 15, 2014

My H Pylori story - Part 1

Its been more than a month since I last blogged. I have been dealing with a host of health issues since returning from Canada. On the flight back to BR, I broke into hives for no obvious reason. I have never had food allergies or other allergies all my life. I do suffer from occasional runny nose when I travel to the UAE or India.But that usually resolves with a single dose of claritin or clarinase.So anyway, I paid a visit to the dermatologist hoping to find a solution to my problem. She placed me on a routine of Allegra and Atarax for a month. I would take Allegra in the morning and would start to break out into hives again by 5 PM in the evening. I would then have to take another dose of Allegra until bedtime. Then it was Atarax before bedtime. I would still wake up in the middle of the night with itching all over and hives all over my body. My body would feel extremely hot and I would need to take another Allegra to be able to go back to sleep. This continued for two weeks with no other symptoms to indicate food allergies or an underlying cause.

I was in training at work during the week before Christmas. The last night of my training class I woke up around midnight with extreme abdominal pain radiating all the way to my back and shoulder blades. I tried tums and sprite hoping to alleviate my pain, but found no relief. The next day I stayed home for work thinking this was an episode of food poisoning that would be over in a day or two. I felt better during the day but again over the weekend I had the same episode of unbearable abdominal pain and burning sensation in my stomach. I went to the Urgent Care looking for help. I couldn't bear it anymore. It felt like labour pains. I thought it was something do with my kidneys or gallbladders. I knew it wasn't pregnancy related. So anyway, the urgent care doctor put me on an antibiotics regime for treatment of Heliobacter Pylori after looking at my record of blood work. I started on a regime of Prevpak that included taking 4 pills in the morning before breakfast and 4 at night after dinner. I had researched and read extensively about H Pylori infection before starting the antibiotics. I did not experience any of the major side effects except for maybe a bitter taste in my mouth after a few hours of taking the antibiotics. I started feeling better for a few days until a week later when I began to experience the pains again. I called my GI doctor and asked her if she can do an endoscopy procedure to determine the exact cause. She didn't think this called for an endoscopy but I insisted. On January 7th 2014, I went in the morning for my endoscopy procedure. Endoscopy is an invasive procedure with the minimal amount of discomfort. I was put to sleep and woke up an hour later. So it turns out I have minor non erosive gastritis or stomach inflammation. My GI doctor put me on a FODMAP diet and on a 2 week regimen of Protonix. I was supposed to take the Protonix in the morning, around 45 minutes before breakfast for 2 weeks. I went home and started reading extensively about H pylori infection, post H pylori eradication, alternative treatments for h pylori and gastritis and about protonix. I decided to go the alternative medicine route since I wanted to address the root cause of my problem and not just a temporary solution. I started feeling better after a week of protonix and had minimized stomach discomfort. I could tolerate most foods too. After about a week of protonix, I started taking Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Juice 15-30 minutes before meals and once in the morning after waking up and once at night before bedtime.If  I had a flare up at night, I would find relief within minutes by taking 2-4 tbsp of aloe Vera juice and occasionally by eating a banana.

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