Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Potty Training Woes

Potty Training 101

I've been toying with the idea of potty training my toddler for at least two months now. My husband was scheduled to travel in March and I had promised him that I'd potty train our son while he was gone. But, alas, he was back home after spending a month away and I had not potty trained Hammy yet. This time around, my competitive streak got me and I decided to go cold turkey. I took away the diapers and dressed him in his underwear. I began taking him to the potty every 30 minutes. We had a few hits and a lot of misses. And I could tell, my poor baby, was annoyed with the constant bathroom runs. At the end of day 1, he asked for his diapers. I refused to give in. Its been day 4 into our potty training session. We still have accidents but we also have equal hits in the potty. That makes me super happy :). His teachers are very helpful which is important since he spends most of his day at the school. He only wears diapers during nap time and at night. He's still unable to actually poop in the potty. But I'm positive he'll get there very soon. Once he's successfully potty trained, then I will publish a post on potty training tips for 34 months old.

Meanwhile, its tons of dirty laundry every single day. Lots of cleaning around the house. Constant reminders and runs to the bathroom. Lots of stickers/ candy and other bribe.

Alhamdulillah..... that's how I spent my mother's day 2014 :)

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