Monday, April 24, 2017


I read something today that is eye opening for me. A post on fb regarding how gratitude is related to shaytan tricks people into losing faith by becoming ungrateful to Allah swt. Gradually the person starts questioning Allah's decree for him and loses contentment. From my personal experience, I can see how I've developed a mental pattern of ungratefulness over the years. When I'm stressed out, physically tired, overworked I end up being ungreateful for all the big and small things in life. Another one is when I'm on social media and looking at fb shares or instagram pics of people on vacation and what not, I start losing appreciation for all that I have.

I've also noticed how when I start losing focus in my prayers, do not keep up with Allah's remembrance in the morning and evening and stop reciting Quran daily, I loss the spiritual connection and complain about the minute things in life. It's a vicious cycle. Being ungrateful results in decreases of Iman. On the other hand, decreased Islamic practice in our day to day life results in lowering of Iman and in turn makes us ungrateful.

Now the solution that I'm going to try is simple and practical
1. Maintain a gratitude journal. Write three things you are grateful for having in your life. Every couple of weeks go back and read the last pages to see how your gratitude journal accumulates over time.
2. Think about the things in life that you wanted in the past or when you were younger and prayed to Allah swt for. And reflect on all those Duas that Allah swt has accepted and made your dreams come
3. Play a thank you game with kids so you learn to appreciate simple
Things in life that kids do and also teach kids to be grateful to Allah swt. Ask your child to share three things every night taht he is thankful for and thibk about how little it takes to make kids happy and express gratitude for.
4. Last but not the least, pray to Allah swt so help you become
A happier person, stop complaining, stop comparing your life to others and appreciate all the blessings that Allah swt has showered upon you.

Inshalalh I pray we all find these steps effective and become happier, productive versions of ourselves.

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